How can I start a live stream via LOLYO?

Last Updated 3 years ago

LOLYO Live Stream is available as a paid add-on service.

Activate the paid LOLYO Live additional service in advance. To do so, please contact

To start a live stream, you need a streaming software so that you can stream via your local camera or webcam. We recommend to use the free software "OBS Studio", which is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Click here to download OBS Studio.

Step 1:

After installing OBS, add your camera to a scene.


In addition, you can also add other elements such as texts, video recorders, etc.


Step 2:

Go to the administration area and select LIVE from the menu (you may need to log in again with your administrator account).


Step 3:

Now follow the instructions (points 1-3) to create the LIVE stream. We recommend to do this at least 15 minutes before the start of the actual event, so that the stream is already visible for "early" employees. In OBS you have the possibility to create another scene, which contains e.g. only one still image. The scene can then be switched to the start of the event by clicking on your camera.


User view:
Your employees can enter at any time in the app or the web browser under the menu item LIVE (or specially selected name).
The chat function can also be deactivated if desired.


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