Frequently Asked Question

How are posts created in the News Channel?

Last Updated 4 years ago

Step 1:

Select News in the administration area.


Step 2:

Select Create news post.


Step 3:

Fill in at least the headline and text.
Select the desired groups (Visible for groups) for which the post should be visible.


Step 4 (optional):

Fill in other fields:

  • Image: Upload an image or video.
  • File thumbnail: Upload a separate thumbnail for your video.
  • Publish date: As of this date, the entry will be visible to collaborators.
  • Stop publishing (optional): As of this date, the entry becomes invisible to collaborators.
  • Deactivate functions / points (optional): As of this date, the features will be disabled.
  • Append file: Attach files that were previously created under "Library".
  • Attach survey: Attach a survey, which were previously created under "Surveys".
  • Status: Change the publishing status.
  • Tags: Select tags (for statistics and filtering).

Step 5:

Get features / points:
In order to display these options, the respective options must first be activated under Administration -> Settings -> Post. Here you can also specify whether Likes should be anonymized.


Step 6:

Click Save.

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