Frequently Asked Question

Why am I not getting a notification icon (badge) on the app icon even though there are new events?

Last Updated 8 months ago

General information:

The notification icon, subsequently called badge icon, is an indicator of new events right next/on top of the app icon.


The automatic display of the badge icon for new events can take up to an hour, as the system always has to check for new events every hour for each user.

On iOS, the badge icon disappears as soon as the app is opened (it only reappears when new messages are received).

The settings may differ depending on the device or operating system version, but the settings path for activating/deactivating should basically look something like this:
Settings -> Notifications -> Enable/Disable Icon Badge

Attention: Older devices or operating system versions do NOT support badge icons. Please verify if your device supports badge icons.

Examples of cases where badges should appear on the app icon:

- Main entries (news, library documents, bulletin board, etc.)
- If tagged by name (e.g. bulletin board comment "@mmustermann")


Examples of cases where NO badges should appear on the app icon:

- for comments without tagging by name
- for Likes
- for custom pages (e.g. page type 00 Normal content page)

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