You can generate new redemption codes via the Apple Business Manager and make them available in LOLYO, so that new employees can install the LOLYO employee app via the generated codes.
Open the website and log in with your ABM credentials.
Click the Custom Apps item in the menu bar on the left.
If this menu item is not yet visible, activate it under Settings -> Enrollment Information -> Custom Apps -> by changing it to Enabled.
Click Apps and Books in the menu on the left, select VAT Registered and enter your VAT ID.
Now click on Custom Apps and then on Buy Licenses. Change the License Type to Redemption Codes and enter the desired number of codes under Quantity.
Now click on Get. Shortly after, the Download button should appear (if this button does not appear, please open again to refresh the page).
Open the *.xls file you just downloaded, e.g. with Microsoft Excel.
Select ALL cells with content in the *.xls file (column A to L, rows depending on the number of codes). Copy the content, e.g. with Ctrl + C.
In LOLYO, in the administration area, go to Settings -> ABM.
Click into the Codes field and paste the copied content (e.g.: Ctrl + V).
Then click Import.
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