We want to prevent that job offers are shared within a company, and thus employees can earn points, although no actual application has taken place. LOLYO checks whether the IP address of the sender / recipient are in the same network, if this is the case, no points are awarded. If you are not sure if this IP restriction applies to your test to get points, please contact support@lolyo.net.
Another reason why no points are awarded is that the job offer has already been shared by the respective employee in the past. Points are only awarded once per employee and per job offer, so even if a job offer has been shared via e.g. Facebook AND email, the employee will only receive the corresponding points once.
Please note that since version 1.1.4, points for sharing are only awarded when the link is actually called in a browser (= Points for sharing).
Also, only after submitting the actual application points are awarded (= Points for online application).
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