Frequently Asked Question

How can new fields be created for the extended employee profile?

Last Updated 11 months ago

Step 1:

You can display custom defined additional fields in the profile of all employees. If this option is disabled, only the employee's email address will be displayed in the respective profile by default.

In the administration area, under Settings -> User you can Activate employee profile additional fields.


Step 2:

In the Administration menu, under Settings, click the Extended profile option.


Step 3:

To create your own global fields, click New. Then set a title, category, and visibility.
In this example, we'll create the field "Location". Employees can now set the location they work at for themselves in their profile.


Step 4:

If an employee now opens their own profile, the "Location" field is visible.
By clicking on the pencil, a text can now be assigned, in this example "Vienna".


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